I'm here to talk about cookies! I tend to have a sense for what ingredients works well together. Basicly I just make things up. XD I rarely use recipes inless it is my own. So today I'm going to share with you a recipe I made! I'm very excited and hope you like it as much as I do.
It all started with a craving for junk food this morning. I know, I know, healthy eating is a big deal, but sometimes I just have to satisfy the craving. I'm snooping through all the cabinets with *of course* no luck because we have been trying to cut back on sweets and grain based foods in general. There is a pan of homemade banana bread on the counter, but today, that's just not good enough.
So cookies seem like a fantastic idea! Only problem is, we are running low on quite a few ingredients for my favorite cookie recipes. To the drawing board! Or in my case, my notebook full of ideas for recipes. A fresh page and a few minutes of brainstorming and I now have a list of ingredients, but no measurements.
I started out by letting the stick of butter and package of cream cheese reach room temp.
*1/2 cup softened butter (4 oz)
*1 package of softened cream cheese (8 oz)
*1 to 2 teaspoons vanilla (I used 1 tsp., but would have used more, had I not ran out of vanilla)
Blend together until smooth.
Once they were fully blended I moved them into a bigger bowl and added in my sugars.
*1 cup granulated cane sugar
*1/2 cup dark brown sugar
Once the sugars were fully incorporated, then came the eggs.
*2 large eggs
Then we came to the fun part... figuring out how much flour to use. Because of the thickness of the batter I decided to go with 2 cups of flour and add in more if it was needed.
*2 cups all purpose flour
*1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
*1 teaspoon ground sea salt (you could use table salt, I just prefer the taste of sea salt)
* 2 cups simi sweet chocolate chips
Once it was all mixed, I decided it looked about right. So I preheated the oven, while chilling the dough in the fridge, and cleaning up my mess.
I know, I'm a messy baker.
First I attempted drop cookies... easy peasy. Just get a spoonful of dough and drop it on the sheet.
I baked them at 350° for approx. 12 minutes. Only problem is... they didn't come out looking as pretty as I wanted them to. So the next batch I rolled into balls and they came out much prettier! :) It may seem odd to some people to even think of food being "pretty" but for me, baking isn't just about food tasting good, I would say appearence counts for at least 15 percent.
Pictured above are my ugly cookies, that tasted amazing! ;) The rolled ones turned out perfect though, crunch outside and soft gooey center <3
It didn't take long for Silas to find them! Hope you enjoy them as much as he did!